Product Manuals

Product manuals are still essential for most consumer products.
Standard Prices
Priced by quote.Product manuals are typically small-format documents printed in black or grey-scale folded and stitched but other formats and sizes are available. Our automated production equipment allows us to produce these documents in small quantities (as few as 50) with a very short turnaround time (typically 3 days or less). There is no need to impose the document file (organize pages).
- Standard black (grey-scale) or colour (mixed)
- Colour stock available or use as insert
- Insert warranty registration card
- Variable data printing with product Serial Nos.
File Submission
- Print-ready PDF – No need to impose document
Paper/Finish: 24-28-32LB bond, Coated 80-100LB. Covers 8-12PT Coated uncoated.
Colour: 4-Colour or Black or combination
Options: Single-sided or double-sided, bleed or no-bleed.
Quantities: 50 to 5,000
Finished size available: 4 x 6″ – 9 x 12″
Finishing: Folding – roll, half, Z-fold, double parallel or 8 page fold.
Binding: Cerlox, Wire-D, Stitched, Square-fold stitched, Perfect
Turnaround: 4-5 Business Days
Accepted File Type: PDF, MS-Publisher, Word
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